Fire Wood Rack


Fire wood rack

Material List: 2x4’s,2x’8’s, metal roofing, and 4” framing nails. All these materials I acquired from a neighbors barn that I helped tare down in trade for materials.

This design was based off the lift capacity of our JD 4720 tractor using pallet forks. FAF’s first design was 8’ L x 4’ H x 4’ W, which when loaded with wood, the JD could not pick up (not good). The reason we went by these initial measurements, (8’x4’x4’) is that is equal to one cord of wood.

Our ending measurements ended up being 6’ x 3’ x 3’ (roughly 1/3 of a cord), which gave the tractor plenty of additional power incase the wood was heavy at the time of pick up. These racks have a utility to them, we use them to pick up wood around the farm, dry the wood and then deliver it to the basement to stack. This cuts down on handling the wood.

All materials were repurposed from a barn tear down, I traded materials for taking the barn down and reused to make the racks.